Event // Open Source Community Camp 2018

Socialize the internet! Mentoring mobility start-ups

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Netidee: the initiative to promote a better internet for everyone

Netidee is Austria's biggest non-profit internet promotion initiative. It promotes projects and initiatives from the open source community with the designated goal to create a beneficial, save, free and open internet for everyone, built on the pilars of tranparency, openness & sharing. 

Every year since 2006 private individuals, start-ups, entrepreneurs, companies, schools and clubs have the possibility to submit their technical and business ideas. Netidee supports the teams in the development of their ideas and promotes selected projects financially with a total fund of up to 1 Mio. € anually.​ Check out all the projects of 2018 here.

This year's thematical focus was especially dedicated to projects within the field of mobility and blockchain beyond cryptocurrencies. Moreover the "Martin-Prager-Integrationspreis" was brought to live, honoring the projects with the best inclusive solutions to create a more social internet.

impact hub mq vienna netidee 2018
visitors of impact hub netidee vienna 2018
netidee 2018 speaker badge accilium

Mobility project mentoring at Open Source Community Camp 2018​

Within this context, together with whataventureNetidee hosted the anual open source community camp on November 23rd. It helps the project teams to finalize their concepts in regards of sustainability and economic viability with a chance to get a promotion of 50.000€​.

Together with mentors from other Austrian companies for blockchain, consultancy, energy, internet business models, accilium was inivited to participate as a mentor supporting and challenging the relevant project ideas. Georg Retschitzegger was invited as a mentor for mobility concepts. As a senior expert, Georg brings experience in consulting automotive customers with a focus on disruptive mobility solutions combined with virtual reality.

"It was amazing to experience the passion for the project ideas, wether some teams already had a fully functional product or other teams just started to build their first proof of concept. I had an interesting day and a lot of fun talking with the teams, who focused on a mobility related solution and picked my brain." 

For more information about this years Open Source Community Camp 2018 click here


Published by Georg Retschitzegger, accilium